
ZGCTA Holds Expert Seminar For Professional Committee Set-Up
Date:2021-08-16 16:10

On August 6, 2021, the expert seminar of forming ZGC Global High-Level Think Tank Alliance (ZGCTA) Professional Committee (hereinafter referred to as the “Professional Committee”) was held at Beijing Academy of Science and Technology (BJAST) and was presided by Li Junkai, Secretary-General of the ZGCTA Secretariat and Director of the International Cooperation Division of BJAST. Eminent experts and scholars, including Ren Fujun, Former President of National Academy of Innovation Strategy (NAIS), China Association for Science and Technology (CAST), Yao Xishuang, Former Director-General of Department of Language Application and Administration of PRC Ministry of Education, and Yang Changju, Former Director-General of the Administration's Cultural and Educational Experts Department of PRC State Administration of Foreign Experts Affairs attended the seminar.

Before the seminar, Fang Li, Secretary of the Leading Party Members’ Group of BJAST met with the experts in the guest room and expressed gratitude towards them for visiting BJAST to put their heads together to discuss the construction and future development of the Professional Committee and ZGCTA.


Group Photo


The seminar on-site

At the beginning of the seminar, Li Junkai extended warm welcome and expressed gratitude to the experts for attending the seminar, following an introduction of the ZGCTA and preparation of forming the Professional Committee. Then, the experts carried out in-depth discussions and exchange of ideas about the forming of the Professional Committee after watching the publicity films of both BJAST and ZGCTA.

During the seminar, Ren Fujun strongly endorsed the idea of forming the Think Tank Alliance Professional Committee, which is deemed necessary and critical to maintain the operation of Think Tank Alliance. He provided detailed and professional opinions on setting goals, orientations, tasks, forms and assessments of the Professional Committee.

Yao Xishuang expressed his firm support for the work of the Professional Committee and ZGCTA. He suggested that the ZGCTA should establish mechanisms to attract and bring in other think tanks and talents to enhance its core competitiveness, serve the domestic circular economy and promote local high-quality development.

Yang Changju also shared his view on the forming of the Professional Committee. He said that he would use his strengths and resources to fully support the development of the Professional Committee and ZGCTA. He pointed out the need to clarify the duty, role, and positioning of the Professional Committee. There should be more studies targeting forward-looking issues, focusing on future development of the Professional Committee.

At the end of the seminar, Li Junkai said that the seminar has helped clarify the thinking and strengthened confidence about the 🐼development of the Professional Committee and ZGCTA. She looked forward to having continuous support, guidance and help from the experts for the future of ZGCTA, and pooling all possible resources to facilitate the development of ZGCTA in practice.

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